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you down with OBC? (yeah you know me)

The PR peep from reached out to me recently to interview the president of the site. Apparently Chicago is ranked 5th for online hook ups. Kileen, Texas is #6. Really? Though I suppose the song “All my exes live in Texas” was perhaps written for just such a reason. Especially since Houston is #2. I haven’t actually looked at the site yet b/c I’m too often on my work computer and don’t cock shots seem inevitable on such a website?

Anyhoodle, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for questions to ask in this interview. So far, all I have is, “So this is an NSA interview, right?” which has continued to crack ME up for four days running! But, really, what would YOU want to know about such a site?

Why it exists? Why it’s better/worse than Craigslist?
Are there really MORE casual hook ups, or is it just more readily available now that we have the internet?
Would you join? why/why not?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. ShanaRose

    here’s mine: “Be honest, do any women use the site?”
    “What, was “ taken?” and
    “Know anyone worthwhile? I have single friends.”

    “I’m mostly kidding on that last one.”

  2. pulley-whipped is TOTALLY a website. I just looked it up. Of course it’s porn. Perhaps you should be my guinea pig and try the site out 🙂 I’ll buy you a drink if you do

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