ellie noticed yesterday that her spam folder has gotten increasingly poetic and she decided to read me one of the lyrical oddities. Despite some made up words, aryaman (an aryan man?), catv (tivo for felines?), the spam seemed tantamount to a freshman english major’s first stab at composing, i.e. not terrible.
then, i got this today in my inbox:
hijack straggle normative? peek, goad solitary.
normative wrangle, its purview multipliable, pembroke goad splat wrangle
cursor swan.transect solitary.
maybe it’s because i haven’t had my morning mimosa yet, but doesn’t that last line seem striking? How does solitude intersect with loneliness, or are the two mutually exclusive? The difference between them seems to be solely an emotional underpinning. An outlook. A frame of reference.
and it’s begun. does anyone have a gum wrapper they’d like me to analyze?
for a while, lauren and i were writing a lot of poems based on spam. i even turned one in to steve orlen…i must still have them somewhere. we should put together an anthology.
that would be amazing.
i think i do remember a blog you wrote about spam, many moons ago.