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hello_catsHi, four of you who are still reading this blog!

I’ve been remiss. Or rather, I’ve been busy writing to sustain my Nutella habit and haven’t had time to write for “funsies,” unless you count my journal, which is honestly just a list of food I’ve consumed because I’m dealing with a terrible eczema outbreak, which you didn’t really need to know about and now you do and that is on my hands as well!

But I am writing weekly-ish newsletters that are also personal but not in a gross way (though probably a little gross, actually) and you should subscribe. Here’s an archive of a few of them to prove that they don’t mention any skin diseases:

If that doesn’t do it for you, there’s always Cat Font Generator.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Theresa

    I’ll be a permanent fan!

  2. anna

    You are the cutest.

  3. Kit

    …also a “Perma-Fan” :-)…. you’re the best… eczema and all!

  4. Laurence Topliffe

    Dear Anna, If you are ever interested in having an intelligent conversation with a true, wise and caring gentleman, let me know. I’m not a dirty old man. I’m a 75 year old single straight individual who cares about people and will help anyone if I can with good words and knowledge and when I have money will help without expecting anything in return. To find useful knowledge about LIFE, do a search for: karma, dharma, moksha, kali-yuga, sat-yuga, jyotish, Veda, vata, pitta, kapha, yogi, yogic flying, Ayurveda. Look at http://www.mum.edu, http://www.tm.org, http://www.tmeducation.org, http://www.tmbusiness.org, http://www.globalgoodnews.com. My website for my foundation does not exist yet. I’m waiting for funding.

  5. Theresa

    Hi to all, love the diverse subjects here. Keep them coming!

  6. Laurence Topliffe

    Dear Anna, the oldest music in the world is “ghandarva-veda.” The Veda explains everything about human existence and how we are connected to the universe itself, and how we can increase that connection in a very profound way by meditating, which develops our consciousness to the state that Jesus had, who was a yogi. There are hand gestures which I believe are called “mudras” that are supposed to have a good influence on those who do them and those who view them. And dancing with this music is very close to what is known as “belly dancing,” which clearly seems to have a sexual content and perhaps intent. As long as we are in a state of ignorance about our full potential and who we are, we come up with all kinds of beliefs based on almost any influence that we like. We are souls on a journey to the state of Unity Consciousness and along the way we have experiences that we learn something from that helps us develop our mental, physical, emotional, ethical, intellectual and spiritual potential and when achieved we have unconditional love for all. Sounds blissful to me. Look at the books at http://www.mumpress.com. I hope to meet you some day in the future, maybe next year.

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